In need of a vibrant bundle of quilting cottons in dynamic and fresh colours and prints? Look no further, because our guest Tiina has pulled one from our collection!
The Backstory
June is already gone and unfortunately this guest bundle launches in July only due to major struggles behind the seams regarding our shop space. More about this in another blog post.
The Guest
Tiina is no stranger to our blog as she participated in our Christmas mug-rug challenge last year. She represents the modern style of quilting and has a knack for putting together bundles with something green in them.
Tiina is quite fearless in her range of techniques to try so check out her work if you want to be inspired.
The Bundle
Tiina was asked to pick six prints from our current selection and she pulled a bundle of greyscale colours peppered tactically with punchy green. The mix is surprisingly calm despite including so much black and dark grey.
Here it is without text on top:
Starting from the black scribbles, clockwise:
- Divided from Capsules Aligned by AGF Studio for Art Gallery Fabrics
- Warehouse District in Leaf by Leslie Tucker Jenison for Robert Kaufman Fabrics
- Collection CF in Shitake by Carolyn Friedlande for Robert Kaufman Fabrics
- Stardust from Luna & Laurel by AGF Studio for Art Gallery Fabrics
- Seaside Stripes in Seaglass by Dana Willard for Art Gallery Fabrics
- Laurel Daring from Luna & Laurel by AGF Studio for Art Gallery Fabrics
This skillful bundle demonstrates perfectly how amazing low-volume prints truly are. In order to create a stylishly harmonious project, one can pick a selection of fabrics with a quiet presence without losing anything at all in intensity.
Get Your Own
The bundle is found here: English, Suomi, Svenska.
I’m proud to carry this bundle in our shop. Thanks so much, Tiina, for accepting my challenge!
If you decide to create with this little collection, remember to tag us #senttijatuuma on Instagram. I’d love to see what you make!
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