Welcome to Day 1 of our challenge ”8 Days of Christmas Mug Rugs from Finland”! First up is Leena with her stunning snowflake creation.
The Mug Rug
Leena used a pattern called Snowflake by Amy Friend of During Quiet Time as a starting point.
Snowflake is a Foundation Paper Piecing (FPP) pattern and you can find it in Amy’s Etsy shop.
Leena cleverly split the pattern in pieces to create her own two portions of snowflakes for a wider final design. The final size of the mug rug is 7,5″ x 9″.

Aapo Tervonen
As for colour choices, this is a perfect example of how a little (narrow selection in this case) can go an extremely long way. When sitting down with your own craft projects, let this be a reminder that ”less is more” can be your best choice in simple designs with clean, graphic lines.

Aapo Tervonen
Who is Leena?
Leena Tervonen keeps a blog in Finnish at Tilkkutie (Patchwork road) and she writes about this project in her post Joulu jo vähän mielessä (Christmas a bit on my mind already). See if Google can help translating it to your language, because her ponderings around the design coices she made are interesting to read.

Aapo Tervonen
You can find her on Instagram at tervonenleena. Be sure to follow her if you don’t already!
Please note that the wonderful photos provided by Leena were taken by her son Aapo, who uses the hashtag #aapotervonen on Instagram.
Thank you so much, Leena, for this contribution to our challenge!
The Fabric
Please find the fabric Star Bright in Dark Red by Andover Fabrics in our webshop!
It’s on sale this week because we’re moving later in November to a new location, so grab some for your own winter sewing if you like 🙂 It’s a limited-edition print by Andover and won’t come back.
The Challenge
The blog posts of this ”8 Days of Christmas Mug Rugs from Finland” challenge:
- Introduction to ”8 Days of Christmas Mug Rugs from Finland”
- Day 1 with Leena (you’re here!)
- Day 2 with Tiina K
- Day 3 with Auli
- Day 4 with Tilkunviilaaja
- Day 5 with Teija
- Day 6 with Anu
- Day 7
- Day 8
Find our posts on Instagram at hashtag #SenttiJaTuumaChristmasMugRug.
We continue tomorrow with the Day 2 contribution, so be sure to check back both here and on Instagram!
Thank you, the pleasure was mine!
Kiitos, Leena, thank you! It’s such a happy and stylish project.