Welcome to one of only a few remaining windows as Christmas Eve is drawing near: day 19!
Improv Fabric Palette
Today we offer another improvisational palette of fabrics from our shop selection. and a Christmas story with it.
It tells the story of how a grandmother wanted to remember sunshine and lightness of being in the middle of the darkest winter nights up north, and so she sewed a flower quilt to keep warm during Christmas time. And when her grandchild asked about it, she simply said ”I love Christmas time, my little one. It brings us all together in peace, we celebrate quietly together and you experience what I myself felt as a child wrapped in my own grandmother’s quilt, sitting in her lap for a goodnight story. One day this will be yours and you will sit with your own grandchildren the same way around the fire.” The grandchild then asked: ”But why flowers?” ”Oh,” grandmother replied when staring into the glow, ”my grannie loved flowers. This reminds me of her.”
24 Calendar Windows
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Will you make your own improvised fabric palette? Please show us on Instagram using our #senttijatuuma hashtag!
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