Happy Lucia day here in Finland and wherever else she is celebrated! Today window 13 opens a free pattern with musings to go on what festive ”should” mean. Keep reading for an introduction to Dear Stella Design as well.
Kitty Pattern
Furst (sorry ;)) of all, you’ll find this free pattern on the Dear Stella Design website. It’s called Bearing Gifts and the quilt is by Wendy Sheppard.
What’s nice about this pattern is that it isn’t your typical somewhat loud Christmas pattern, but you can leave it up for a while after the rest of the festive decorations were put away again.
What’s even nicer are the numerous possibilities to use ”normal” prints and colours instead of the typical red, green, icy palette, silver and gold. The cute touch of red in the scarves and the tiny gifts hint holiday without the cats disappearing in ornaments and tinsel.
And if you’re even more minimalist, don’t add borders, but leave the quilt binding as only frame. This is what I love about quilting: make it your own.
Our Suggestions
We have a few prints purrfect (ah, there it is…) for cats, if you don’t mind my saying so:
- Beige: Interconnected designed by AGF Studio
- Brown: Viva Brown designed by Stacy Peterson
- Light grey on white: Shredded Chess Faint designed by AGF Studio
- Dark grey: Pin Stripe in Slate designed by Makower UK (I need to take photos as the digital swatch insinuates uneven stripes, which is not true)
- Black and gold grid on white: Collection CF Metallics Onyx designed by Carolyn Friedlander
- Grey on white: Collection CF Shitake designed by Carolyn Friedlander
Remember to check yesterday’s surprise window, too!
Dear Stella Design
Back in the day, Dear Stella was incredibly difficult to find in Europe. They mentioned no designers by name, but it was only the generic ”house designer” behind the brand, so my general impression was a slightly mysterious fabric house.
Collections were frequent but very small, which also stood out, and their blenders looked fabulous. What they made seemed okay to covet all of a sudden.
Today there’s a longer list of regulars among their designers and these live around the globe, which is nice. There’s more openness and like most other fabric manufacturers they publish lookbooks of future launches regularly.
I’m pleased to announce that Dear Stella Design is coming to Finland through our shop next year. With what collection or parts thereof remains to be seen, but they are on their way! As usual, requests are more than welcome, so don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’ve already been eyeing at least a couple of prints from Sew On & Sew Forth collection, but you tell me.
24 Calendar Windows
Find all blog posts of our calendar in this gallery:
Will you make your own kitty quilt? Please show us on Instagram using our #senttijatuuma hashtag!
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